Monday, 12 December 2011

Use of Narrative in the video

Narraitve was a key feature in our video as the lyrics were not as clear as some of the other tracks available. We decided that the narrative for the video will be about the artist stuck in a room, almost like a mime, with people looking in on him/her to create a sense of rejection from society which gives a message to youth that life is hard. Also the colours would be dark with a single light on the artist creating a scene which is sinister. We then incorporated mental instability through the use of masks and multiple characters, such as the pig and the gas mask man, which we find out are all the same person but the artist is imagining them as alternative people. This goes on the him being chased by himself and he choses to stay in the 'mad house' of his mind, rather than escape. We thought this was effective as it was extreme and almost risky to produce a story line based on a mental condition.

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