Wednesday, 7 December 2011

How we changed rough cut to final cut

After recieving feedback on our rough cut we decided to make some changes to give our music video more in depth content. We mainly did this through editing in final cut where we used shot layering and colour correcting in particular to add to the messages and the themes we were trying to create and communicate.

We colour corrected most images to a fire red colour to make the video more intense, while in mellow parts of the video we had a black and white colour corrector scheme to make this contrast with the intense parts of the video, this also added to the mental instability feel we were aiming for. With the two prodominant colourdifferences we felt that it added to the idea of schitzophrenia and created a split personality illlustrating the lyrics.

We also analysed other videos by students and professional artists to see how we could improve our video. In particular we found the 'Slipknot' video useful as it was extreme and we realised we did not have to hold back on effects. In the end the analysis of theses examples made us change the overall idea of the video, not in our messages but in the intensity and quality we achieved.

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