Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Mise en scene research

We researched many artists and had a look at individual style costumes and styles. Combining our inspirations of Michael Jackson and Slipknot, we brainstormed what we wanted the artists style to be like. This is what we created:

The artists image will be a mysterious eccentric look which will create a sense of rejection from the mainstream industry which most artists fall under. The artists style would be an outfit which would be weird for example a casual suit with a mask if the artist is male or a casual female outfit with a mask if the artist is female. This would make the artist look stuck between styles and create a sense of mystery which is an ongoing theme with the artist. We want to communicate that the artist is alternative and that they are a new artist to the industry as we think the song would be a good debut single. This would mean that the style and the image of the artist is confused as many fans can then compare to the artist.

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